Even the most obedient and well-trained dog may have an occasional accident in the house. While cleaning up dog and cat feces in small quantities is safe for homeowners to do, large volumes of pet waste can constitute a serious biohazard. In cases of animal hoarding, for example, a home may become contaminated with urine and feces that are laden with bacteria, viruses and parasites.
If you’re considering buying a home that has been contaminated with pet waste, it’s important to understand the health risks associated with these conditions.
When it’s not properly disposed of, dog feces can become a breeding round for Salmonella bacteria and parasites such as hookworm, tapeworm and ringworm. Exposure to cat feces, meanwhile, can leave people vulnerable to a serious parasitic infection called toxoplasmosis. While not all cats are carriers of this disease, infected cats can transmit toxoplasmosis parasites through their feces. In addition to initial flu-like symptoms, a toxoplasmosis infection can cause respiratory problems, brain inflammation, seizures and other serious neurological issues.
Pet urine can contribute to health problems in humans as well, especially when it has had time to permeate carpets and other porous surfaces. Urine – particularly cat urine – contains unhealthy concentrations of ammonia. Over time, the ammonia from pet urine will evaporate into the air, generating toxic fumes that can cause respiratory illness and skin and eye irritation.
If you do purchase a home that’s been contaminated with pet waste, it’s important to have the affected areas cleaned by a qualified biohazard remediation company.
At Anubis SceneClean, our talented team of professionally-trained biohazard cleanup specialists can safely decontaminate your home to prevent health issues associated with pet waste. Just give us a call or contact us online today to schedule a free cleaning estimate!